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I jumped off a high platform to "get back to parents" then sank into the ground and couldn't move

Thanks for your feedback, I ll look into it 


Good work.
If you will manage to jump behind your parents then it will be kind of stuck.

Oke, thank you so much for your feedback, I ll look into it and will try to make it better

I am trying to find this problem as where does it happen, can you please explain what you did that made you stuck, so that i can get to root of this problem .Thanks 


Sorry for late replying so late.
When you will reach the top and jump towards parents then it gets stuck.

Thanks, I ll check it 


Hey - the game wasn't working. I tried wasd and arrow  - nothing worked.

Thanks for your feedback, I ll look into it

I just double checked the error you mentioned. when you click on start, after that try clicking in the area of the game, it will resolve the error you faced hopefully .. 